• Honey Bees and Pink Background - Colorado Beekeepers Association

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Beekeeping Advocacy Statement – CSBA – 02-23-2025

I (Tina) recently bought two Pol-line queens, hoping to add some great new genetics to my bees. I pulled nucs for them both, since that is so much surer as a way to introduce a new queen…get them accepted by a nuc, then insert the nuc into the full colony. I pulled the first nuc […]

The Traveling Road Show is a benefit from the Colorado State Beekeepers Association to affiliated clubs. CSBA will pay for time and travel expenses for an experienced beekeeper to visit your club and do an in-apiary day with club members. One of the comments heard most from participants is how much more confidence they feel […]

A bee club member called the other day, asking for help figuring out why his colony was weak. He hadn’t been in it recently, but when last checked, it seemed strong, and now it was down to about 3 frames of bees. Diagnosis always starts with history, so I asked how old the queen was.. […]

HOW TO IDENTIFY A SUSPECTED PESTICIDE BEE KILL AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT By: Pat Donahue   Identifying a Suspected Pesticide Bee Kill.  What the beekeeper will observe: A sudden large number of dead bees at the entrance of the hive and in front of the hive (more than 100/day is a normal average […]

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