About CSBA
The Colorado State Beekeepers Association (CSBA) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. It was initailly organized in Denver in 1880 by J.L. Peabody, E. Milleson and Olive Wright. It was incorporated as the Colorado State Beekeepers’ Association in 1888 and is affiliated with the American Beekeeping Federation. The CSBA is the oldest and most widely recognized beekeeping organization in Colorado.
It functions as a unifying organization for affiliated Regional and Local Beekeeping Associations and Clubs in Colorado. It is composed of Beekeepers of the State of Colorado (and other states/areas) and others who are interested in bee related industries for the purpose of producing better beekeeping methods, better beekeepers, and a more unified system of apiculture in Colorado. It represents the concerns and interests of all beekeepers in the State, spanning all levels from Backyard/Urban Hobbyists to Small Scale/Sideliners to Commercial Beekeepers and functions as the main interface between State and Local agencies/organizations and our members. All dues and donations go toward producing better beekeeping methods, better beekeepers, and a better understanding of Colorado apiculture through presentations, educational courses/classes and social activities for both members and the public.