• Honey Bee and Pollen - Colorado Beekeepers Association

Bears, oh no!

Bear Considerations

When bears and bees get together, there is only one result: Bear 1, Bees 0. If you want to tilt the score to favor your bees and equipment, you should consider bear fencing.

The following information on Apiary Fencing was copied from the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website at: https://cpw.state.co.us/game-damage#230548828-1885759917


Apiary prevention fencing is available to beekeepers in the following options.

Example Apiary Layouts with Requirements (Beeyards)

8’ x 8’ electric fence – https://cpw.widen.net/s/wqwd2q5p6c/apiary8x8manual

Watch CPW’s step-by-step video guide on setting up an 8×8 electric apiary fence – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8EHmcUu7pE

20’ x 20’ electric fence – https://cpw.widen.net/s/bz6jmdgxjj/apiary20x20layout

40’ x 40’ electric fence – https://cpw.widen.net/s/fkwdfchwbh/apiary40x40layout

Other sizes available for large commercial producers who maintain more than 400 beehives.

Other Apiary Guidelines

Building a Secure Beehive Enclosure brochure – https://cpw.widen.net/s/vflbdjjqz9/buildingsecurebeehiveenclosurebrochure

Successful Apiary Fence Operation – https://cpw.widen.net/s/lm9nrqm7kj/successfulapiaryfenceoperation

Corner Brace for Apiaries – https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/LandWater/PrivateLandPrograms/GameDamage/ApiaryCornerBraceLayout.pdf

Contact your local CPW office (https://cpw.widen.net/s/dc97wxtv8m/apiarycornerbracelayout) and ask to speak to a District Area Manager (DWM) about apiary fencing requirements.

Have you experienced bear damage?

How do I file a game damage claim?

Important:contact your local CPW office and ask to speak to a District Wildlife Manager (DWM)  immediately upon discovery of damage to file a claim.

To successfully file a claim, you must complete the required paperwork and meet required deadlines.

  • CPW staff will provide you with the correct paperwork and can answer questions regarding the claim procedures.
  • Throughout the process, the claimant is responsible for timely notifications, completion of forms, efforts to mitigate the damage and assisting CPW personnel investigating the claim.
  • The claimant must be able to prove the damage was caused by big game and that the value being claimed is reasonable.

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