• Pollen in the air - Colorado Beekeepers Association

Structural Beehive Removal / Extractions

We all love honey bees, but not everyone likes them in their homes! The Colorado State Beekeepers Association (CSBA) offers this list of structural removers/honeybee rescue services (extractions) by insured providers as a community service.

Why should you have your bees removed from your structure by a beekeeper? First, if you simply spray and kill the bees, you leave all the supporting hive structure in place. This is composed of beeswax, honey, pollen, larvae, pupae and bees. Honey is the single finest source of carbohydrates in the world. You have now left it unprotected by the bees. You essentially traded one insect for a host of both insects and animals seeking this nutrition and these “critters” will find this food source. Therefore, it is important to remove the bees AND their residence. Second, the larvae and pupae will die leaving the uncured nectar to ferment causing issues with both odor and mold.  With no temperature regulation by the bees, the honey, nectar and wax will let and can find its’ way into your home, potentially dripping through outlets, air ducts and window frames.  Finally, the honey in the hive will be ruined. So, we encourage you to do it right the first time by call a professional hive remover (most likely they’ll even be happy to give you some of the honey!).

The following list provides individuals that operate mainly in the Denver Metro area and across the Front Range.

Be prepared to pay for these services. The removal of a honey bee hive is a complex, messy, time-consuming process and is not performed for free. Some providers will only remove the bees and the associated bee products.  In this case you may need to hire an additional contractor to repair and rebuild the area previously occupied by the bees. Other providers may perform the extraction and repair/rebuild.  Please ensure you understand the extent of the work they will perform and the services they will perform.     Providers are listed alphabetically by last name with their phone number, email address and the areas they work in indicated in the listing.

NOTE: CSBA does not endorse any of the providers listed on this page. We are simply listing individuals known to provide these types of service as a courtesy to our Members and Visitors to this page.  If you chooose to contact any of the following providers, it is up to you that they must show that they have liability insurance and meet criteria contractor licensing for your municipality.  

Please exercise due diligence when choosing and engaging anyone on this list, as CSBA is not liable for the services or actions of the listed providers.

Note: * indicates information verified/updated for 2024.

*Tom Knapp – Knapp’s Bees, LLC:  540.908.0315 – [email protected]
Will travel from Loveland to Southern Denver-metro.

*Nathan Epperson:  970.690.1341 – [email protected]
Will travel to Ft. Collins and Loveland.

*Lazarus Fields – Fields Of Natural Honey : 765.425.1940 – [email protected]
Will travel within 50 miles of Colorado Springs

*Frank Holland:  303.829.5409 – [email protected]
Will travel to Castle Rock, Denver, Longmont & other Front Range Locations

*Gregg McMahan: 720-934-6176 – [email protected]
Denver Metro Area, Front Range and most other Colorado locations.

*Michael Rutter: 303-250-0598 – [email protected]
Brighton, CO and surrounding areas.

*Chad Street – beesandtreesinc.com: 303-669-9520 – [email protected]
Will travel to Berthoud, Longmont, Lyons, Mead, Erie, Boulder, Lafayette and Louisville.

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