More About CSBA
The Colorado State Beekeepers Association (CSBA) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization.
The Colorado Beekeepers Association shall be composed of Beekeepers of the State of Colorado and those interested in allied industries for the purpose of producing better beekeeping methods, better beekeepers, and a more unified system of apicultural work in Colorado.
Benefits of Membership:
The CSBA membership base provides a public presence throughout numerous communities in the State that provides education, bee ambassadors and outreach for a better understanding of our environment and the need to protect Mother Nature through our collective stewardship of the earth.
The number of constituents represented by CSBA provides a voice for beekeepers in the enactment of laws, regulations, pesticide use, pollinator protection, etc. that better support our beekeeping activities.
CSBA Committees & Representatives work on behalf of Colorado Beekeepers on state-wide issues including Best Practices, Pesticides & more.
Participation in Local & Statewide events aimed at educating the public on Bees and Beekeeping and their importance to the environment and our food chain.
Your membership dues and participation support CSBA programs and activities while helping to sustain not only the beekeeping hobby we all love but also supports the beekeeping industry in both Colorado and beyond.
Swarm Calls on a state-wide basis directed to affiliated Regional/Local Associations/Clubs via the CSBA Statewide Swarm Hotline – 844-SPY-BEES (844.779.2337).
Quicker accessibility to Swarm Dispatchers and Swarm Catchers
CSBA pays expenses for Grasshopper, the app locator.
CSBA’s Master Beekeeping Program provides advanced levels of Beekeeping Education along with Certified status for three educational levels including Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Beekeeper.
Apprentice Level for speakers, zoom, awards
Journeyman Level- two in-person Bee Camps including, speakers, tools, supplies
Class presentations speakers for meetings, awards, zoom
Master Level speakers, Oral and written exam cost of examiners.
Beekeeping Hints, Tips, and current event articles, via the CSBA Facebook page and the High-Country Bee email newsletter.
The “High Country Bee” monthly newsletter with up-to-date information, articles, seasonal updates, local club activities, and other important and pertinent information. Articles are submitted by individual beekeepers, board members, local clubs, ABF delegates, Sustainability Committee lead, Master Beekeeper Program, State Fair participation, and National Western Stock Show.
CSBA Summer and Winter Meetings featuring noted in-person and zoom presentations on Beekeeping educational and research topics of interest to Colorado Beekeepers.
Non-members pay $10 more for Summer and Winter Meeting registration.
CSBA pays speaker fees, travel, lodging, meals, venue, miscellaneous expenses, zoom & advertising. The Big Money Honey Show expenses for the Best of Show winners trophies.
Summer and or Winter meeting expenses run anywhere from $5000 up
Volunteers helping with Summer or Winter meetings may be given free registration to the summer and Winter Meetings.
The annual “Big Money Honey” contest.
CSBA pays for Honey Judges, traveling trophy engraving, contest money prizes, Best of Show plaque.
Research grant-support for honey bee research within the State of Colorado
not just for Master Beekeeper Students. Download the Application on the
website for info under Resources.
A forum for networking and socializing with other beekeepers in the state via both in-person and virtual events.
Virtual events include Local Leaders Zoom meetings with BOD and other Local Bee
Club Leaders across Colorado. The zoom meetings are attended by presidents, vice
presidents, and other designated persons by the local clubs to participate in
discussions and net-working with other clubs. The 2025 dates for the local leader
zoom meetings are: 1/09/25, 3/27/25, 6/26/25, and 10/30/25
A zoom link is sent out by CSBA about a week before the date of the zoom meeting.
The Sustainability Committee monthly virtual presentation with well-known speakers.
CSBA BOD meets by zoom the last Thursday of each month at 7pm. Plus two in-person meetings by BOD
required by the CSBA By-laws.
The Colorado Beekeeping representative to the Colorado State Pesticide Action Committee appoints a representative to bring beekeeping concerns on the use of pesticides to the State.
The Pesticide Representative is invited to attend the monthly BOD meetings to provide Updated information. This information is then dispersed to the membership.
The “Traveling Roadshow” is an educational opportunity that brings beekeeping instruction and education to Association/Club apiaries via hands-on, in-hive demonstrations and inspections. Contact [email protected] to request a Traveling Roadshow).
Sustainability Roadshows bring Sustainable beekeeping instruction and education to Association/Club apiaries. Each affiliated club may schedule one Hands on Demonstration and a Club Presentation each year. Topics may include but are not limited too:
- Selecting for Host Resistance using the UBeeO Assay or Harbo Assay
- Spring Splits
- The Demaree Method
- Raising Queens in a Double Nuc
- Non-grafting Methods of Queen Rearing
- Preparing your Colonies for Winter
- Swarm Prevention
- Sustainability and Sustainable Beekeeping: How Do We Get There?
Contact [email protected] to request a Sustainability Roadshow or Presentation.
Representation of Colorado Beekeepers in Regional and National Beekeeping organizations such as the Western Apiculture Society (WAS), the American Honey Producers Association (AHPA) and the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF).
CSBA reimburses State sponsored delegates for early bird registration rate and a travel stipend of $300 to the annual winter conference held at the beginning of each annual term as a delegate. Delegates are asked to give an update of pertinent information discussed at the annual ABF meeting and WAS Conference.